assume( alpha > 0, beta > 0, theta > 0, theta < 1 ); p1 := ( theta, alpha, beta ) -> theta^( alpha - 1 ) * ( 1 - theta )^( beta - 1 ); (alpha - 1) (beta - 1) p1 := (theta, alpha, beta) -> theta (1 - theta) integrate( p1( theta, alpha, beta ), theta = 0 .. 1 ); Beta(alpha~, beta~) help( Beta ); Beta - The Beta function Calling Sequence: Beta( x, y ) Parameters: x - an expression y - an expression Description: - The Beta function is defined as follows: Beta( x, y ) = ( GAMMA( x ) * GAMMA( y ) ) / GAMMA( x + y ) help( GAMMA ); GAMMA - The Gamma and Incomplete Gamma Functions lnGAMMA - The log-Gamma function Calling Sequence: GAMMA( z ) GAMMA( a, z ) lnGAMMA( z ) Parameters: z - an expression a - an expression Description: - The Gamma function is defined for Re( z ) > 0 by GAMMA(z) = int( exp( -t ) * t^( z - 1 ), t = 0 .. infinity ) and is extended to the rest of the complex plane, less the non-positive integers, by analytic continuation. GAMMA has a simple pole at each of the points z = 0, -1, -2, ... . - For positive real arguments z, the lnGAMMA function is defined by: lnGAMMA( z ) = ln( GAMMA( z ) ) plotsetup( x11 ); plot( GAMMA( x ), x = 0 .. 5, color = black );